CB Insurance

CB Insurance Cambodia

Insurance Cambodia

Personal Insurance Cambodia

Commercial Insurance Cambodia

Auto Insurance Cambodia

Medical Insurance Cambodia

Accident Insurance Cambodia

Home Insurance Cambodia

Property Insurance Cambodia

Engineering Insurance Cambodia

Contractor all risks Insurance Cambodia

Erection all risks Insurance Cambodia

Machinery breakdown Insurance Cambodia

Boiler & pressure vessel Insurance Cambodia

Contractor plant & equipment Insurance Cambodia

Electronic equipment Insurance Cambodia

Liability Insurance Cambodia

Marine Insurance Cambodia

Aviation Insurance Cambodia

Miscellaneous Insurance Cambodia

Specialty Insurance Cambodia




What is Auto Insurance?

Auto Insurance is to protect you and your family in all kinds of situations involving a vehicle.

What is the coverage?


Third Party Liability Insurance can help protect your assets.


Includes your injuries or death, or those passengers or family members driving your car if it’s hit by a vehicle with no insurance.


Includes damage to your car or property if you’re hit by a vehicle with no insurance.


If you crash your car, CB Insurance can help to repair or replace it so you can get back on the road again quickly.


Paying for damage to your car if you collide with another car or something else such as a building, bridge or tree. If someone hits your parked car, this is considered a collision as well.


Coverage can help to pay for damage or loss to your car caused by something other than a collision such as theft, fire, vandalism, windstorm, or hitting an animal.


If you’re in an accident, whether it’s your fault or someone else’s, paying for medical bills can be a concern. CB Insurance can help pay for some of your medical bills, if you or anyone in your vehicle is injured in an accident.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits that I can get from Auto Insurance?

The benefits that you can get:

It covers lawsuits, including legal fees brought against you as a result of an accident.

It covers the bills of vehicle repairs due to damage caused in an accident, theft, fire, out of control factors.

It provides benefits to survivors when an accident results in death.

It covers for medical expenses.

It saves time.

It covers the compensation to the third party.

Do I have to file a Police Report after an accident?

Yes, you need to file a police report after an accident. Our claim officer will collect it for processing the claim.

Do I need to pay for Auto Insurance once a month or annually?

You need to pay once annually.

Do I have to pay for repairs after an insurance claim?

Yes, you have to pay the deductible that is stated in the policy.

What happens if I don’t have auto insurance?

If you don’t have Auto Insurance, you will pay for all the damages to your vehicle and other compensation out of your pocket.

How affordable is Auto Insurance?

Auto Insurance is relatively inexpensive. This depends on your car’s value and driving history.

What happens if I cancel my policy before the contract expires?

You will be charged a cancellation fee.

What does Auto Insurance cover if personal items are stolen from my vehicle?

It doesn’t cover personal items that are stolen from the vehicle.

My windshield was damaged by a falling rock. Is that covered?

In most cases, this type of damage is covered under your comprehensive coverage.